Brief - Design a typeface for a full alphabet and glyphs (a to z, !, ?, @, £, :, .) that represents the personality/character of your partner. You will discover their personality/character through a series of set questions:- (My partner was Jake Greenhalgh).......
What is your favorite colour? gold
What is your earliest memory? Tree house
Which living designer do you most admire & why ? Si Scott , his work is hand illustrated - non computer generated his work is perfect.
What is your most treasured possession? decks
What would your super power be? to get money
Which piece of graphic design do you wish you had created? Love sculpture
Which piece of graphic design do you wish you had created? Love sculpture
Who would play you in a film of your life? Ben Afleck
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Hugh Hefner
What makes you unhappy? Having to tie my shoe laces
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice? Robot
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? 'init'
For my alphabet soup brief Jake Greenhalgh is my partner i asked him a series of questions and brainstormed a few ideas of things he likes this research will help me create my typeface based on Jake.
Architecture -

Ive looked at some architecture images , when talking to jake he described how he found them interesting . Not the actual building to look at , the design.
Music & Dj'ing -
I love this electric boutique flyer for a night out at oceanas- The type is so unique i think it really resembles a microphone wire and i definitely will use something like this as a starting point.
To come up with the best typeface i had to find out what Jake loved and what things interest him after speaking to him i found out he Djs and he loves music , he also owns his own decks.
Screen printing -
Jake likes screen printing so i researched into a few images. I think screen printing is amazing and there lots of different techniques to try so ill try and incorporate some into my alphabet or a similar style.
Si Scott-
Si Scotts work is amazing. Jake liked him because he has some really good hand written illustrative work. He described Si Scotts work as perfect and liked that it wasn't computer generated.
I personally love Si Scott and i will definitely combine a style of type like the electric boutique flyer with something inspired from one of the images above.
Further Research :
i researched into some wire like fonts and thin lines to see if it was right idea to look for a type face of this style i found these four i really liked and decided to definitely use a thin line font to represent digital music and architecture.
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