Modernity & Modernism
- Terms- ‘modern’, ‘modernity’
- Modernity – Industrialisation, Urbanisation – the City
- Modern artists’ response to the city
- Psychology and subjective experience
- Modern art and photography
- Defining ‘modernism’ in art
- Modernism in design
Architecture 1977
- 15 july 1972 Modernism dies according to charles jencks - The demolotion of pruit.
- Paris 1900
- Trottoir Roullant - eletric walkway 'Urbanisation'
- Sites of Modernity
- paris 1850s = a new paris
- old paris architecure of narrow streets and srun down housing is ripped out hassuman city architect recreates paris
- Narrow streets easier for police dangerous, place.
Max Nordau Degeration 1892
an anti modernist wrote about his worries on the modern world
he predicted that,
“the end of the 20thC. . . will probably see a generation to whom it will not be injurious to read a dozen square yards of newspapers daily,
to be constantly called to the telephone, to be thinking simultaneously of the five continents of the world, to live half their time in a railway carriage or in a flying machine and . . . know how to find [their] ease in the midst of a city inhabited by millions’
- the experience of the individual in the modern world
- come cloe to the understanding
- modern art and the experience of modernity
- Anti-historcrism
- truth to materials
- form follows funtion
- technology
- internationalism
- Revolution = new opportunity for art to progress
- Constructivists desire to make art useful
- Aim that art should help 'construct' new society
- Use of new techniques and abstract aesthetics
- by end of 1920s artistic freedom curtailed
- 1934 'socialist realism' only.
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