Thursday 17 October 2013

Design for print - Info pack Research


I decided to make a post for general information pack examples. I wanted to create a general post for all expects that would affect my pack . Different types of production - laser cut , screen print , packs booklets ect.

I love this booklet i definitely want to create something that has an image or text cut through from the front page and you can see through the other side. It will give my book more of an engaging feel and a nice finish.

I would like to to use fluorescent colours but i will need to look into further as i have been told fluorescent into is pricy.

I like the idea of having my individual information packs (i am creating 5) to be like little gifts maybe small flash cards inside of something you can open like a present playing on with the letter P Present for Print.
I think i will also create stickers to add to my list of things i will produce i will need to come up with a logo first to go with the whole pack.

I like the idea of screen printing across a series of things in a sentence so when there all lined up they would go together and spell something but i would have to experiment as I'm not sure how successful this would be.
As i have previously mentioned i would like to create flash cards that go into these little individual presents i couldn't find any examples of the aesthetic i meant the next best thing was these coasters that have been screen printed or debossed this is the style i would create but in a rectangular shape half the size of a5.

I think creating a booklet with different size pages init will really set your work apart from others as its different and usual this example is amazing with the text flowing from one page to the other but still in aligned properly so you can read it.

Possibly geometric patters would be nice for small sections of my pack to show the different processes in affect like foiling-

 Fluorescent ink-
The idea of working with usual stocks is definitely something i will consider - 

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