Thursday, 25 October 2012

Message and delivery research OUGD403

Newspaper Research

Brief : Create a body of research in response to a story issue or theme found in the national press tomorrow, 22/10

Mandatory requirements: The story issue or theme must come a newspaper published on 22/10

Deliverables: A body of research (visual , photos) into the story of your choice. & A physical copy of the newspaper.

The story i have picked to research is ' Internet Trolls Sick taunts over Adele's baby boy' this article i found was in the daily mail.

The article talks about Adele's abuse she has received from trolls via twitter , death threats and general awful language towards her and her week old baby boy. The two people who gave death threats have now deleted there twitter accounts.

Minoru Thatha wrote ' i swear ill go see her in the UK and kill her and her baby. someone went on to say she should use cot death as writing material. Siobhan Freegaurd, founder of the UK parenting website Netmums said that people are cruel to write such things and post - natal depression is a very serious illness which affects in some form up the third of new mums. The article goes on to explain other celebrites 

Other attacked celebrities :-

Tom Daley got abuse via twitter after he preformed his dive at the olympics somebody tweeted him saying he had let his farther down.

Gary Barlow was also abused on twitter by ex big brother member kenneth tong-

Nicola Brookes won a legal case against Facebook when people took her identity and made a Facebook page about her.

People who use twitter:-

I prepared my work on two A3 sheets of with a brief description and images of and info graphics combined with past stores of twitter scandals.

I chose this story because i use twitter my self and found it interesting i also enjoy Adele's music and found this to be a shocking story. I loved my crit and found it really helped me with what route to go down. I think social networking is one of the biggest causes of bullying and i would really like to focus my further research on. I find it important that people are aware of young peoples behaviour and more action should be taken against these situations. 

Types of cyber bullying

Online harassment: Repeatedly sending offensive messages via email or other textmessaging to a person.

Cyberstalking: Online harassment that includes threats of harm or is excessively intimidating.

Denigration: Sending harmful, untrue, or cruel statements about a person toother people or posting such material online.

Masquerade: Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material that makesthat person look bad.

Outing: Sending or posting material about a person that contains sensitive, private, orembarrassing information, including forwarding private messages or images.

I came across a website called ' No H8 Campaign' there MISSION STATEMENT: The NOH8 Campaign is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest. I think this website is amazing people from all over the world get involved and share there storys so many people sharing about there personal experiences about being bullied ect. it really does help people know that there not alone and you can do something about it.

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