Creative Advertising
The contexts ( historical , political , economic) In modern advertising.
- The plot - Theres how large scale colour printing technology 19C
- Advertising - ( R4 2009) - The most fun you can have with your clothes on.
- Robin Wight
- William Hesketh Lever 1851-1925 Lever Bros.
Sunlight vision museum birth of creative advertising. Founded 1885 James Darcy & William Hesketh Lever.
- Lever born 1851. George Cruikshank going to the see the great exhibition (etching)
- 1851 Great exhibition . Photography & 3D Technology.
An essential component of any competetive market company.
Pre packaging - ( lewis 2008)
1860s Cereal companies figured out how to print fold & fill cardboard boxes mechanically.
- tablet of soap - brand value.
Advertising boom-
1855 & 1861 aided by tax cuts, news of the world ended.
Technology progress reproduction & colour printing , pictorical ads in magazines 1880s
1890s Reproduction of printings possible.
Contemporary painting in their advertising ( lewis 2008)
Used in sunlight soap ad with copy 'so clean'
Alice in Wonderland
Exhibition tate liverpool November 2011 - 29th january 2012 . Painting and Photography
Technology progress reproduction & colour printing , pictorical ads in magazines 1880s
1890s Reproduction of printings possible.
Contemporary painting in their advertising ( lewis 2008)
Used in sunlight soap ad with copy 'so clean'
Alice in Wonderland
Exhibition tate liverpool November 2011 - 29th january 2012 . Painting and Photography
- George Dunlop Alice in wonderland 1879
- A dress rehearsal 1888 Albert Chevallier Tayler
First Creative Advertising
- Message was told in a interesting and innovative way.
- Imagery provided a spectacle and entertainment
Distinct from other ads.
- Briggatte leeds 1900 - text based.
Entertainment - Axe - Graphic Novel
Hegarty 2011 BBH - Recent lynx campaign
Cracknell (2011) Late 19c
Client created context
Agencies offered creative services 20c 21st crowd
- Medicine & chocolate first things to be advertised
- innovative events - Lever Bros Switzerland F.H Lavanchy - Clarke.
Opening of new offices.
- The queen gone royal endorsements 1892 ' soap queen vic'
- 1890s sunlight soap magazine ad.
- 1903 wrapper scheme.
Target audience - mothers life time brand loyalty.
Lever spent £2m first two decades of making soup.
- Palm oil makes vegetable soap. Dove are the biggest uses of palm oil
Many of his early ads saying sunlight soap would save women from drudgery.
20c Lever used different Agencies.
Domestic and imperial markets britishness suited all.
1930s radio - Emmerdale soap opera.
- economic literal
- good trade reactions
- capitalism & commerce
Colour printing and reproduction technology developments 19c
Creative advertising strategy art & copy
Advertising principles truth & entertainment.
Creative advertising strategy art & copy
Advertising principles truth & entertainment.
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