We were in a group crit with two other groups for 1hr slot. We had to show what we had and what we had left to do and our balloon idea then we hadn't proposed before. The balloon idea is to buy a helium canister and fill up 50 balloons and attach our inspirational quotes.
We showed one of our double page spreads from our publication.
Questions that were asked-
How will we know its working? we will have a twitter link and email address on the back of the inspirational quote.
Where will we set them off from? Leeds Universty , sarah proposed in our crit that we might be able to set them off from the top of her student accommodation in the city.
How will we attach them to balloons? What if the weathers bad? with string and we will laminate the quotes.
Everybody seemed to like our idea and we didn't get much negative feedback which isn't always could we didn't think of anything really we could change although i did come up with an idea.
After watching other peoples little presentations of how they have progressed so far and how many internet options they've got for to make there statement viral, i felt although we needed another one and proposed to the group we could make an instagram Roxie was happy to take the role for this.I felt it would be a good idea to get people who find our balloons to take a picture and tag our instagram so we can see if its working.
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