Friday 8 November 2013

Design for print - Research Packaging Research


Before i start designing my print book i need to get some research together i decided to research into general packaging so i can decide what i will put my booklets & content in...

Fluorescent packaging with sticker to seal.
This design has been created to hold a cd i like how the outside that folds over is a different design to the inside.
Laser cut-

catalog enevelope
Screen printed-

laser cut -

Minimal design - monochrome

I really like this design its although it has a belly band attached but its printed onto the stock.
I like the typography used on this specific booklet. The type is eroded.

This is the type of belly band i would like to create. I will achieve this style on the laser cutter.

I like this design using the oversized typography.
Pastel stock and small labels for information.

Laser cut -
I had a little look into designs that you would have to rip open to get to the content. Only if the purpose is appropriate. This particular idea has been perforated and you have to tear down diagonally to reveal the inside.
Really nice idea theres a lot of different ways you can use perforation. 

I next had a look at manifesto futura and this was my favourite. I was really unsure what it was about first so i went to a website and read up that the manifesto Futura design was an invitation. I love how they've used tissue paper stock and a sticker to package the invitation its appropriate for the invitation as its going to get ripped open there for it won't need to be durable or reusable. 
They screen printed the inside for the design and then another print over the top with a fluorescent signature design.

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