Tuesday 12 November 2013

Study Task 5 - Design Ethics Triangulation


Using the texts Garland, K. 'The First Things First Manifesto (1964); Poyner, Lasn et al (2000) ' The First Things First Manifesto 2000'; Poyner, R. (2000) 'First Things First Revisited' and Beirut, M. (2007) 'Ten Footnotes to a Manifesto' write a triangulated critical analysis of two media images (works of graphic design / advert / TV commercial / publicity poster / magazine cover / news story). This analysis should discuss the ethical role of the designer, and ideally should compare one example of 'ethical' design with another 'unethical' one.

Make sure that you compare the opinions of the four different writers and not simply quote but draw out subtle similartities and differences in their positions. Refer to the writing guide on eStudio for help constructing a triangulated written argument.

A number of authors have considered how the advertising industry are wasting their valuable time and talents on design that is unnecessary. Garland, K. 'The First Things First Manifesto (1964); Poyner, R. 'First Things First Revisited' (2000) ; and Beirut, M. 'Ten Footnotes to a Manifesto  (2007); ' By far the greatest effort of those working in the advertising industry are wasted on these trivial purpose which contribute little or nothing to our national prosperity' Garland K. (1964)

For example Garland suggests 'We think that there are other things more worth using our skill and experience on. There are signs or streets and buildings , books and periodicals , catalogues , instructional manuals , industrial photography, educational aids , films , television features, scientific and industrial publications and all the other media through which we promote our trade ,our education , our culture and our greater awareness of the world.'  'This is further supported by the fact that Rick Poyner mentions in his article of ‘First Things First (Revisited)' It is no exaggeration to say that designers are engaged in nothing less than the manufacture of contemporary reality. Today , we live breath design. Few of the experiences we value at home , at leisure, in the city or the mall are free of its alchemical touch.' Supporting image 1 The reebok advertisement has used a unethical slogan to sell there product. The audience for this advertisement is for young males which its itself is unethical as it discriminates against young women. The advertisement is encouraging people not only to buy reebok but to be unfaithful the tone of the advertisement is humorous so it is unethical on many levels. Therefore the designers of reebok only care about selling there brand and not the message they are sending.

Beirut, M. 'Ten Footnotes to a Manifesto' (2007) ' We prepose a reversal of priorities in favour of more useful , lasting , and democratic forms of communication - a mind shift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and production of a new kind of meaning. The scope of debate is shrinking; It must expand. consumerism is running uncontested; It must be challenged by other perspectives expressed, in part , through the visual languages and resources of design.' In comparison to image 1 , Image 2 is a good example of ethical design. Fair trade promotes trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers. The organisation itself is built on the foundation of helping people and improve peoples life's in third world countries.The advertisement uses young children running happy to show the consumer thats what can be achieved when the product is sold the money goes back to them. This is an example of how advertising has been used beneficially. This is aided by what Garland says in the First things First Manifesto 'We hope that our society will tire of gimmick merchants , status salesman and hidden persuaders, and that the prior call on our skills will be for worth while purposes. With this in mind we propose to share our experience and opinions , and to make them available to collages, students and others who may be interested.' Garland, K. 'The First Things First Manifesto (1964) This is what Garland talks about wanting designers to be using there talents and creative skills to make a difference.

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