Monday 4 November 2013

WEB - Primary Research


For my Web brief i have finalised my concept and i have decided to create a archive web page for album artwork.
There are different sections of research that need to be conducted in order to gain the best possible body of work to make my website successful and audience appropriate. 

Like looking on the web to see whats out there i decided to go into leeds city center gather some primary research. I firstly went to Jumbo Records the store is pretty dated and had lots of really old vinyls and a few up to date.

Inside the shop - 

Display - 
I wanted to try and find some geometric album art that i hadn't seen before i found this that i thought was interesting.

 Lots of the geometric album artwork i hadn't seen before I'm glad i came to have a look in a record store as i wanted to get a few images for each of my main categories  - geometric art , photo manipulation & typography based.

 I really loved this particular album artwork , i want to take inspiration from this and other similar geometric design to incorporate into my website.
 Photo manipulation - psychdelic 
 I also loved this piece it looks as though it has been done on the laser cutter.

After doing some primary research in this record store i decided to try and find somewhere a bit more age approbate and try and find some really nice design examples that i would want to use on my website.


I next looked at an album section in urban outfitters. I felt this would be more appropriate because there shops is more unique and diverse so i felt there would be more of a selection.

There shop features a modern style room with wood sections for the individual records and a record player.
They had some new viynls like this disclosure one. 
 I like the use of colours on this specific vinyl and the black coloured packaging.

I found it quite interesting how i only found a few geometric designs and very limited typography based artwork.I think this primary content has pushed me to research even further in depth and go with this concept in creating a album art archive.

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