Monday 18 November 2013

Primary Research - What is publication design


When doing my print research i decided to take a book out of the library about publication design as i was creating 5 publications about the fundamentals of printing.

The beginning of the book talks about what a publication is and how print matters and the importance of making your work aesthetically pleasing.

The most beneficial thing to me i fund was the 'six appeal' which was a list of the important things you include when designing. The sub categories listed below i have considered for my print pack. Although i decided not to use imagery in my publication and create info graphics.

  • Format
  • Grid
  • Typography
  • Colour
  • Cover or masthead.
  • Use of imagery

The book showed examples of already existing print booklets. This was a interesting as i could look at the aestheticis.

It spoke about text as images and how readability and legibility is so important.
This page spoke about format.

This double page spread spoke about different programmes.
I found this book really helpful it gave me points to consider for my book and reasons why id be able to make my booklets different from others.

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