Friday, 21 February 2014

Research - Clash Magazine


Whilst doing some typography research i decided to buy the Clash magazine to have a look at as i loved there sub header and header typography. I also thought it would be perfect to look at how they lay there magazine out as they are a more high end magazine and would perhaps have stronger visual aesthetics.

The magazine features large bleed images across the double page spreads.

It uses chopped up photography with balanced text.
The typography used is tall and customised it has lines through certain letters and serifs i really like the sub header text and want to use this as inspiration for the one i design.
Typeface has been used here but bolder-
Typeface being used as sub headers on both pages-
The way they've used the typography on this page in white over a darker image really works well and brings more impact to the page-
Further examples-

Having a look through the clash magazine has given me an idea of the style i would like to try and implement within rebranding the big issue. How well its been layed out and how text bleeds over images. I think its important to look at existing material before designing to give you an insight on how other designers layout there work.

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