Friday 22 November 2013

Primary Research - Brown paper


When i went home for a few days i went to Hobby craft as i thought it would be the best place for me to get some brown stock. I was interested in using brown stock after i had done some research into some innovative envelope design and the use of brown stock looked interesting to me.

When i went to hobby craft i looked around the stock section first. There wasn't anything exactly how i wanted i did find some brown stock that was not as thick as i wanted or as light as i had of hoped.

I did find a collection of envelopes that had the stock i would of liked to buy although it was more like a really sturdy card and would of been to difficult to create envelopes out of.
I also looked at the small brown box section to see if there was any stock.

I was disappointed i couldn't buy the stock i wanted but after looking at what else was available i decided that a nice thick ivory might be more appropriate for my brief and using brown paper might of been to obvious for an envelope design. After going to hobby craft i will carry on my research for stock so i can find the best available for my print pack.

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