Thursday 14 November 2013

Primary Research - Typography book.


I have started to consider the type i will use for my print book, i will have a different typeface for headers and a different typeface for body copy. I like the idea of having hand rendered typography for the titles so i had a look at Hand Job by Michael Perry.

The book features lots of different types of hand rendered typography from different influences.

I think this type of typography would be perfect as i am doing a book about print it would work well as it would be appropriate .
I like the typography at the bottom left of the right page were its joined together and quite bold.
Some of the typography letters have been hand drawn into small images like the colourful king art piece.
The geometric typefaces are nice on the left hand page and would look really good foiled.
Either the bottom left typeface or the typeface on the right hand page were the most useful things i found in the book. Either one would be perfect for my print pack and have gave me some inspiration.

This paint love typeface would be perfect for my print pack i will experiment with different similar typefaces to see how they look on my stock.
This book has been useful for me to research i want to make sure i consider all typefaces not just hand rendered and consider how legible they will be on the size of the stock i use and the pack i produce.

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