Wednesday 13 November 2013

Primary Research - Publication


For some primary research for my print publication i decided to go to a book store which is in the corn exchange i was full of books , booklets , zines and other small publications.

It featured a wide range of different printed booklets which were really interesting to look at and to give me some inspiration. There was a table with some books that had been laser cut in the centre and others with foiling and lots of different types of finishing and binding i think its important to have a look whats out there to give me an idea of what i could possibly do with my design concept.

I really like laminated stock and simiplitic design there was a few books in this store that had that finish.

I really liked this belly band idea around this certain booklet i think i would really like to push this idea of having one and also i really like the envelope idea.
I said in the past i would love to try creating a document that had different size pages throughout the booklet and i found a small booklet today that had a smaller page on the outside of the book not in the middle which i found really interesting.

This small box idea to keep everything together is a nice idea but if i was to create one but i wouldn't want my box to get damaged so i would have to consider stock.
I really like the effect spot varnish gives so i have decided i will do some experimentation to see if its appropriate for my design concept.

When i previously said i wanted to create an envelope idea and slot things inside this is what i had in mind when i opened up this design it had 3 small booklets inside. My design would have 5 small booklets so it would work, This was an envelope apart from the top didn't seal over it was like a cd case were you can pull out the contents as there is a space for your finger. 

I decided to research a little more into this project..
It was created with a series of imagery taking from cctv cameras so you could be in the moment you were in. 

I really would like to push this idea forward i think it works so well because of the simplistic design on the front, This design would also work well with a belly band it its appropriate to the finishing design.

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