Friday 22 November 2013

Research - Grids & Layouts


Grids and layout are a vital part of designing as they are guidelines where to drop your information and how to

Golden Ratio Fibonacci Sequence -

The Golden Section is an aesthetically pleasing division of space that is often used by artists as the basis for measurements within their composition.

The Golden Section is a ratio which is evident throughout the universe as the number Phi and is also related to Fibonacci Series. You can use this ratio to good effect in design by making sure that elements of your grid conform to this ratio. Using the Golden Section can ensure a natural sense of correct composition, even though it is based in mathematics it will ‘feel’ right.

This sequence is not only evident within design but also nature

The human face follows the ratio we find people whose faces are truer to the ratio more attractive
Classic Renaissance masterpieces from antiquity and even human body parts are proportioned based on the ratio down to the fingers themselves.

Fibonacci sequence a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of two proceeding numbers.

draw two small squares together

draw a third square using the combined lengths of the two original squares together.

continue to repeat the process and the set.

55 point title should be complemented with the 34 point body copy by applying Fibonacci's sequence

A spiral growing out of squares sized according to Fibonacci Series (0+1=1; 1+1=2; 1+2=3; 2+3=5; 3+5=8; etc). This spiral can be found in nature, art, design and architecture.


A construction grid that helps to organize a design area. The design grid makes it easier to design clearly, consistently and with continuity. It is a system of guidelines, borders (margins), and columns into which elements are placed and to which they are aligned. Before document layout begins following design elements should be established:
Format (size of the finished project)

Type area and margins

Columns (column width, column spacing, column height)

Basic typeface and point sizes (number of character in a column)

Column spacing (number of lines in a column)

Dividing the column into grid fields

Margin types

Pagination (number of pages in the document)

Color scheme

Rule of thirds - 

The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs. The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.Proponents of the technique claim that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject would.

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